[texhax] dvips inverting text

Darren Dale dd55 at cornell.edu
Thu Jun 2 04:54:40 CEST 2005


I am generating eps files from LaTeX with by running dvips and then ps2epsi. 

When I try to embed these eps files in a new latex document, the resulting dvi 
looks ok, but for the dvips and ps2pdf output, the text in my figures is 
inverted. Also, \documentclass{article} seems to work, but 
\documentclass{revtex4} and \documentclass{prosper} result in inverted and 
sometimes offset text, or worse, a corrupt pdf.

The original eps file can be found at 
and a sample pdf output is here

Here is the latex source:


I should note, if I comment /usepackage{times} (which is the same font used to 
create the eps file), the pdf resulting is corrupted. 

If anyone could offer a suggestion, I would really appreciate it.


Darren S. Dale

Bard Hall
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY. 14850

dd55 at cornell.edu

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