[texhax] Creating a colored design on a title page

Ian Watson i.watson at econ.usyd.edu.au
Fri Jun 10 01:56:16 CEST 2005

Dear Lars,

It worked perfectly! Thanks so much for this.

Kind regards, 

Ian Watson
Senior Researcher
acirrt, University of Sydney
NSW, 2006, Australia

phone: 02 9351 5622
email:i.watson at econ.usyd.edu.au

Thursday, June 9, 2005, 7:55:43 PM, you wrote:

LM> for the font size, use fix-cm and then 
LM> \fontsize{size}{baselineskip}\selectfont

LM> As for the design, you may be better of by using eso-pic to place graphics
LM> in the background. You could even use it to place the text on the title
LM> page, just remember there has to be some thing (perhaps just a ~) on the
LM> page for it to be shiped out.

LM> The internal syntax for the eso-pic makros are just picture macros.

LM> \documentclass[a4paper,oneside,11pt]{memoir}
LM> \usepackage[dvipsnames]{color}
LM> \definecolor{White}{named}{White}
LM> \definecolor{BurntOrange}{named}{BurntOrange}
LM> \definecolor{Blue}{named}{Blue}
LM> \usepackage{calc,eso-pic}
LM> \usepackage{fix-cm}
LM> \newcommand\makeorangeBG{
LM>    \AddToShipoutPicture*{
LM> \put(0,0){{\color{BurntOrange}\rule{\stockwidth}{\stockheight}}}
LM>    }
LM> }
LM> \newlength\mylength
LM> \newcommand\makebluebanner{
LM>    \setlength\mylength{0.5\paperheight-2cm}
LM>   \AddToShipoutPicture*{
LM>      \put(0,\LenToUnit{\mylength}){%
LM>        {\color{Blue}\rule{\stockwidth}{4cm}}}
LM>    }
LM> }

LM> \begin{document}

LM> \begin{titlingpage}
LM> % \pagecolor{BurntOrange}

LM> \makeorangeBG
LM> \makebluebanner

LM> \color{White}
LM> \setlength{\unitlength}{1cm}
LM> \begin{picture}(16,20)
LM> \setlength{\fboxsep}{0.25cm}
LM> \put(0,18){{\fontsize{45pt}{50pt}\selectfont\bfseries\sffamily
LM>   {some text here}}}
LM> \put(0,17.5){{\Huge\textbf{\ldots \ldots}}}
LM> \put(0,16.5){{\large\textbf{some more text here}}}

LM> %\put(0,10){\colorbox{Blue}{\Huge {more text}}}
LM> %\put(0,9){\colorbox{Blue}{\huge {and yet more text}}}
LM> % these two lines work, but not edge to edge for the blue background.

LM> \put(0,10){\Huge {more text}}
LM> \put(0,9){\huge {more text}}

LM> \put(0,5){\Large{more text}}
LM> \put(0,3){\large{and yet more text}}
LM> \end{picture}
LM> \color{black}
LM> \end{titlingpage}

LM> more text

LM> \end{document}

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