[texhax] Non-Author bibliographic citations in LaTex

Philip G. Ratcliffe philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Thu Oct 6 12:17:12 CEST 2005

> I'm using the natbib citation package and I want to cite a
> "Department of Education" report - I would like to use something like
> \citep{DES:2002}, say, to produce "(Department of Education, 2002)"
> in the text and "Department of Education (2002). *blah*" in the
> references. However, I can't seem to avoid the author field in my
> bibtex entry converted to "of Education, D. and Science (2002).
> *blah*" and "(of Education and Science, 2002)" in the text!
> I use \bibliographystyle{apalike} as the bibliography style! Here is
> a typical bibtex entry:
> @misc {DES:2002,
>    author = {Department of Education and Science},
>    publisher = {Department of Education and Science, Dublin},
>    title = {\textit{Information Booklet for Schools on Asylum Seekers}},
>    year = 2002
> }

A look at the BibTeX manual (C:\...\texmf\doc\bibtex\btxdoc.dvi) would give
you a hint.  There's also a certain amount of information given in the
underused FAQ, which should be linked at the bottom of this message (and all
others to the list).

Anyway, the BibTeX interpretation of your author entry is as follows: it
contains two authors, one called Department of Education (read like
Alexander von Humboldt) and the other simply Science (read as a surname

You can achieve what you want by using something like the following:

    author = {{Department of Education}},

i.e., doubling up the braces (the extra set means "leave this as is") and
chopping off the surplus "and Science".

Cheers,  Phil Ratcliffe

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