[texhax] how to redefine chapter

Paul Tremblay phthenry at iglou.com
Tue Apr 4 22:51:33 CEST 2006

On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 06:14:33PM +0200, Lars Madsen wrote:
> it would have been nice to know which document class your using
> I know I can do it using the memoir class, but with other I don't know.
> You need to simply do a negative \vskip or similar.
> titlesec or sectsty might have some thing usefull, but I haven't looked.

Okay. I have an outdated LaTeX book and this class wasn't even in
existence. How stable is this class? Can I trust it like the book
class to always give the same results and not change? 

Before I decided to use LaTeX as a formatter, someone told me I should
use ConTeXt. I learned all the rules for ConTeXt, but ConTeXt is still
in flux and not very widely known. It now seems like the memoir class
does most of what ConTeXt does.

Here is how to do what I want:

% to get rid of space before and after \chapter command
% (Though this still leaves around 8pt at the top)

% to get rid of the space in a centering environment

% to start on an odd or even page
% (drawback: if there is a blank page in between, the moveto commands
% will put a number there, whereas the \chapter won't.)

You can also test if the current page is odd or even. 

When I went running yesterday, I thought how it would be nice if one
package could contain all the features that individual packages such
as \fancyhdr provided. It seems that memoir tries to do this.




*Paul Tremblay         *
*phthenry at iglou.com    *

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