[texhax] nopagebreak not working

Paul Tremblay phthenry at iglou.com
Sat Apr 8 20:06:35 CEST 2006

The \nopagebreak is not working for me in the memoir class when I have
the following code:

% start example

%converting element tei:head
2.8. Product Manufacturers and Modernize Main Street

\newenvironment{id2252200}{\flushright }{}

It is only natural that the buying public should expect our stores
and shops to be as inviting, interesting and up-to-date as the
products on the shelves.


% end of example

What I am trying to do is keep my heading (title) together with the
text that comes after. What commands are used when LaTeX uses the
\section command to achive no page breaking, and also to ensure that
there is a good amount of text will be kept with the title?




*Paul Tremblay         *
*phthenry at iglou.com    *

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