[texhax] DVI previewer YAP hangs in MikTeX 2.5

Robert M Dorazio bob_dorazio at usgs.gov
Tue Dec 5 19:38:05 CET 2006

I recently updated from MikTeX 2.4 to 2.5.  When trying to use YAP to
preview DVI files with embedded EPS files, I get the message about choosing
a "rendering method."

I've read the MikTeX mailing list archive on this subject; however, no one
seems to complain about the problem I'm having:  when I choose the DVIPS
rendering method, YAP locks up and I have to use the task manager to abort
the YAP process.  This is frustrating!!!

Any solutions?

Bob Dorazio
USGS - Florida Integrated Science Center
Department of Statistics
University of Florida
P.O. Box 110339
Gainesville, Florida  32611-0339
Phone:  (352) 392-3081Web site:  http://ifasstat.ifas.ufl.edu/BDorazio.html

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