[texhax] pstricks

Herbert Voss LaTeX at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 19 22:30:14 CET 2006

Zbigniew Nitecki wrote:
> I can't figure out what is wrong here.  I have used pstricks extensively 
> in the past, and other files which call it seem to work fine.  But in my 
> most recent attempt to do so, I am getting the error message that it 
> doesn't recognize the basic commands (\psarc, \psline,...), even though 
> it seems to recognize the environment pspicture.  So I copied my 
> complete pspicture command set to a file, using TeXShop's latex template 
> and nothing else (except I inserted \usepackage{pstricks});
> this is attached.  The tex file sits on my desktop, and I am again 
> getting \psarc and \psline as undefined commands.  It does recognize \uput.

PSTricks -> PostScript Tricks and not PDFtricks
Use latex->dvips->ps2pdf instead of pdftex


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