[texhax] Inter-sentence space with amsthm

Uwe Lück uwe.lueck at web.de
Wed Aug 5 13:17:17 CEST 2009

[Please ignore previous, too many errors, partially due to Arial. I use 
single right quotes on both sides for quoting here because the original 
posting used this style. That's important with '\sfcode`\.'!]

At 02:54 23.06.09, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
>I'm playing with amsthm, and want to define a theorem style like:
>         Example:**To avoid lithobraking, most rockets...
>  where the '**' is the wide space TeX puts between sentences.
>The eight[th] argument to \newtheoremstyle is the "head space"; and I know 
>I can give it an explicit (inter-word) space, '\newline', or a dimension 
>like 0.5em.  But what is the size of the inter-sentence space?

It is described on pp. 75f. of the TeXbook. With '\frenchspacing', you get 
inter-sentence space just by ' ' or '\space', i.e., inter-sentence space 
doesn't differ from inter-word space. With '\nonfrenchspacing', you get the 
inter-sentence space the same way as before, if the current \spacefactor is 
3000, so just precede the same space with '\spacefactor=3000' ... however: 
not so easy ... better type: '\spacefactor=3000\relax\space'  ('\ ' in 
place of '\space' doesn't work). More generally, one might /define/ 
inter-sentence space as the horizontal glue that is inserted after the dot 
of '\spacefactor=1000. ' (arguing that '. ' is the "definitive sentence 
delimiter"). In this sense the space is obtained by 
'\spacefactor=\sfcode`\. '. (Note the space after '\.'. Not tested.)

HTH -- Uwe Lueck.

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