[texhax] vertical placement of symbols

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Mon May 4 15:10:45 CEST 2009

To create the symbol for composition of functions, I have the  
following code

> \newcommand{\compose}{{\scriptstyle \circ}}% composition symbol
> \newcommand{\comp}[2]{\ensuremath{#1\compose #2}}% composition by  
> function name

This works fine, except that the circle is not vertically centered--- 
it is too low.  How do I adjust it?

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155

Office    (617)627-3843
Dept.    (617)627-3234
Dept. fax    (617)627-3966

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