[texhax] protext and vista

alexander sax alexander.sax at uni-graz.at
Sat Jan 9 17:47:30 CET 2010

dear all,

I hope you are the right address for the following problem:

I tried to install MikTex with the ProTeXt 2.2.1 distribution under 
Vista. I have read/write access for the MikTex directory.

During the installation the Setup Wizard says, that the operation with 
mpm.exe could not be completed because of a Windows API error 5: Access 

What must I do?


Die reinste Form des Wahnsinns ist es, alles beim Alten zu lassen und gleichzeitig zu hoffen, dass sich etwas aendert. Albert Einstein

Alexander F. Sax                e-mail: alexander.sax at uni-graz.at
Institut fuer Chemie            tel. : +43 316 380 5513
Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz FAX  : +43 316 380 9850
Heinrichstrasse 28              http://www.uni-graz.at/tchwww/sax/afs.html
A-8010 Graz AUSTRIA

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