[texhax] Formatting my resume: Eliminating vertical space before lists

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Jul 28 10:43:00 CEST 2010

Am Tue, 27 Jul 2010 11:52:13 -0400 schrieb Joel C. Salomon:

> Background:  I'm re-doing my résumé in LaTeX, and since I'm not happy
> with any of the currently-available classes, I'm making my own.
> An edited snippet of the file will suffice to show what I am trying to do:
> 	\documentclass{article}
> 	\usepackage{tabularx}
> 	\begin{document}
> 	\begin{tabularx}{468bp}{r@{\hspace{8bp}} p{396bp}}
> 	Objective & A career-track position in Electrical Engineering \\
> 	Skills & \begin{list}{}{
> 		\setlength{\topsep}{0pt}
> 		\setlength{\partopsep}{\topsep}
> 		\setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}
> 		\setlength{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin}}
> 	\item Exposure to advanced Control Systems techniques
> 		including Kalman filtering.
> 	\item Experience with real-time, embedded, and
> 		device-driver programming techniques.
> 	\end{list} \\
> 	References & Available upon request.
> 	\end{tabularx}
> 	\end{document}
> I'd like to completely eliminate the extra vertical space before & after
> the list environment, so that the sentence "Exposure to ..." lines up
> with the word "Skills" just as "A career-track position..." lines up
> with "Objective".  Is this possible with the list environment, or with
> any of its relatives & clones?

\begin{tabularx}{468bp}{r@{\hspace{8bp}} p{396bp}}
Objective & A career-track position in Electrical Engineering \\
Skills &\novspace\begin{list}{}{
\item Exposure to advanced Control Systems techniques
  	including Kalman filtering.
\item Experience with real-time, embedded, and
		device-driver programming techniques.
\end{list} \\
References & Available upon request.

Ulrike Fischer 

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