[texhax] insert a figure

Irinka foska at yandex.ru
Wed Jun 2 19:51:07 CEST 2010


I am quite new to latex environment. I am using TexShop on a Mac an recently had problems with inserting a figure:

\includegraphics[width=16cm,draft=true]{//Users/PhD/FIGURES THESIS/FIGURES THESIS CHAPTER 2//All data coverage SLP.pdf}
\caption{Data coverage (\%) ICOADS SLP for four time periods}

The figure is inserted, everything looks fine apart of the fact that on the top of the figure you can see the file name: //Users/PhD/LATEX THESIS/FIGURES THESIS/FIGURES THESIS CHAPTER 2//All data coverage SLP.pdf

I really need to get rid of it somehow, but I did not manage.

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