[texhax] Import JPG pictures into LaTeX

Philip G. Ratcliffe philip.ratcliffe at uninsubria.it
Fri Oct 8 17:04:26 CEST 2010

> I was using LaTeX in the years of 1988-2003.

Nothing substantial has changed since then. 

> Now I want to use it again. Installed MiKTeX and I am 
> progressing well. One of my problems now is to include 
> graphics with colors. I have no problem to use EPS, or 
> convert from other format into EPS. However I would like to 
> know if it is possible to use JPG files DIRECTLY without 
> converting them into EPS format.

TeX/LaTeX can and have only ever been able to handle EPS format.

> I took to import a color JPG file, but it shows up as a gray 
> picture. Conclusion? It seems possible, but I may miss some 
> usepackage!

With pdfLaTeX it is possible to use directly other formats.

N.B. the peferred way is using \includegraphics[<options>{<filename>}

Cheers, Phil

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