[texhax] Theorem counters

Uwe Lueck uwe.lueck at web.de
Thu Oct 21 20:12:24 CEST 2010

"Jay H Beder" <beder at uwm.edu>, 21.10.2010 19:08:49:
> I have declared \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[chapter] in a book class document.
> I have a theorem currently numbered, say, 3.2 (the second theorem in Chapter 3), 
> and I would like to print a new version of the theorem later (in the same chapter), 
> numbering it 3.2'.  How can I go about this?

Maybe you can guess it from my 


-- without \input, with \ref{thm:outs}'. -- Sorry, I am too tired for more right now. 



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