[texhax] Generating tabular lines with macro

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at famdijkstra.org
Fri Apr 8 00:39:55 CEST 2011


I've been trying to generate a table from input that is collected
elsewhere by some macro. I'm not really a TeX guru, so if there is one
around, I could use some help...

What I have so far:

I have a command that is supposed to create a tokenlist

\newcommand{\ColophonEntry}[4] {     
	\let\drv at sep=\relax     
	\edef\act{\noexpand\drv at ColEntries={\the\drv at ColEntries
\drv at sep{#1&#2&#3&#4}}}\act

And it seems it does. If I do something like:

\def\drv at sep##1{\advance\drvcount1\relax}\the\drv at ColEntries 

I get the correct number. I really would want to create a table, so I

\def\drv at sep##1{##1 \\ }\the\drv at ColEntries

It seems that it will not get past the first token...

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help

grts Tim

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