[texhax] Invisible footnote mark?

Simmie, John john.simmie at nuigalway.ie
Thu Aug 23 14:32:13 CEST 2012

I need to insert a footnote but with an invisible footnote marker both
in the text and in the footnote itself.
Is this possible?  Or is there an alternative way?

\title{Harmonic Biofuels: Vertical Integration of the Production, the
Properties and the Environmental Consequences of Liquid Transport Fuels
from Biomass}
\author{John M. Simmie$^{\ast}$ and Judith Wuermel}
\date{} % Activate to display a given date or no date (if empty),

\footnote{J. M. Simmie, J. Wuermel\\
 Combustion Chemistry Centre, School of Chemistry\\
National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)\\
E-mail: johm.simmie at nuigalway.ie}

Plain old article documentclass ... nothing fancy in the preamble

Emeritus Professor John Simmie::Combustion Chemistry Centre::NUI Galway,

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