[texhax] Adding bookmarks to present

Suresh Govindachar sgovindachar at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 19 18:47:16 CET 2012


Background:  The beamer example beamerexample-conference-talk.pdf has the
slides organized into bookmarks (with the bookmarks containing multiple
levels).  Right clicking on a few bookmarks and exploring their properties
shows that the document has a collection of "named destinations" and each
bookmark has the action to "go to" a particular named destination;  and the
organization of bookmarks into multi-levels can be manipulated by "selecting
bookmarks and dragging with a mouse".  

I would like to add multi-level bookmarks to the output of present too

Turns out HowToTalkTeX.pdf has three named destination (Further, Images, and
title), and examining HowToTalkTeX.tex, one can see what caused these named
destinations to exist in the pdf.

Question:  how does embed into the pdf from a present presentation a
particular organization of named destinations into multi-level bookmarks?



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