[texhax] FW: Word: chapter appears in front of "listoffigures"

Bob Tennent rdt at cs.queensu.ca
Wed Jan 22 16:25:20 CET 2014

 >|I suspect this might be because of a conflict in the packages used.
 >|If that is the case, how does one know which packages conflict, please?

Your example doesn't compile on my system. But looking at it, it's
not surprising you're going to get conflicts. You've activated times
*and* mathptmx *and* palatino, helvet twice, xcolor *and* color (twice),
graphics *and* graphicx *and* epsfig, *ulem* and *soul*, etc.  

I suggest you read the documentation of every package you're using
until you really understand what every package does and then clean
up your code.

Bob T.

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