[texhax] Download errors from ftp://tug.org

Liviu Ionescu ilg at livius.net
Thu Dec 14 00:53:41 CET 2017

> On 14 Dec 2017, at 01:40, Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote:
> I didn't realize you were talking about install-tl.

are there other options, without install-tl?

> If Utah does not suffice, the alternative I see is to download the
> tlnet-final directory once, with ftp or rsync or whatever, and then use
> the local copy as the source for your scripted install.

aha. this might work.

however, please be aware that each build environment is distinct, and I cannot share files between them (actually I can, but small files, it is not realistic to share large folders, since they are copied from one place to another and it takes ages), so I have to rsync the entire tlnet-final folder inside each Docker image, probably several GiB all, run the install, then remove the tlnet-final folders, since the total size is a problem for Docker images.

not exactly optimal.

hope the Utah mirror will continue to be available, and there will not be connection limits, to allow install-tl to complete an usual install.



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