[pdftex] pdftex throwing error despite no image

Xie, Emma emma.xie at bofa.com
Fri Nov 3 13:43:02 CET 2023

Great thank you Jonathan. Actually the issue has been resolved.

From: Jonathan Fine <jfine2358 at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 6:28 AM
To: pdftex at tug.org; TeXhax <texhax at tug.org>
Cc: Xie, Emma <emma.xie at bofa.com>; Ulrike Fischer <news3 at nililand.de>
Subject: Re: [pdftex] pdftex throwing error despite no image

Hi Emma

I apologise for the rude reply that Ulrike gave you. Please don't let that discourage you from using TeX.

I did a google search for the error message "See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation" for most helpfully supplied. Here's some links for you to look at:

Oddly, none of these links refer to the pdftex.def package documentation. A search produced https://ctan.org/pkg/pdftex-def<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ctan.org/pkg/pdftex-def__;!!I2XIyG2ANlwasLbx!Qjc8tZSGjNQCz0hGFoUDkSEszUjwL_CIwd-yYq1Jm82Krr7laX7Ypb_TvTkW-VXRjmkNU3eG3jrzTk-I$>, which for documentation provides a very short README.

I suggest you look at the links above. Ulrike is correct, that this list is not the correct place for dealing with your problem. I've forwarded it to texhax, which is a better place.

However, this is a better place to discuss what could be done to improve the error message. In particular I'd like to see a search for the "pdftex.def package documentation" produce a useful result. Ulrike is far more expert than I am on where such documentation might be found.

with kind regards


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