Embossing package and Generative AI from Google

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 21:36:05 CEST 2024

Well, we have at ;least the specs ready! Google and Generative AI says what
it does and the interface. Look at this:

Paulo Ney

Generative AI is experimental. Learn more
There are a few ways to produce embossed text in LaTeX. One way is to use
the \emboss package. This package provides a number of commands for
creating embossed text, including \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule.
To use the \emboss package, you first need to add it to your preamble. You
can do this by adding the following line to your preamble:


Once you have added the emboss package to your preamble, you can start
using its commands to create embossed text. For example, to create embossed
text, you can use the \embosstext command. The \embosstext command takes
two arguments: the text to be embossed and the depth of the embossing.
For example, the following code would create the text "Hello,
world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt:

\embosstext{Hello, world!}{2pt}

You can also use the \embossbox command to create a box around embossed
text. The \embossbox command takes two arguments: the text to be embossed
and the size of the box.
For example, the following code would create the text "Hello,
world!" embossed to a depth of 2pt and placed in a box that is 10pt wide
and 5pt high:

\embossbox{Hello, world!}{10pt}{5pt}

Finally, you can use the \embossrule command to create a rule that is
embossed. The \embossrule command takes two arguments: the length of the
rule and the depth of the embossing.
For example, the following code would create a rule that is 10pt long and
embossed to a depth of 2pt:


The emboss package is a powerful tool for creating embossed text in
LaTeX. By using the \embosstext, \embossbox, and \embossrule commands, you
can create a variety of embossed effects in your documents.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 11:44 AM Boris Veytsman <borisv at lk.net> wrote:

> PNdS> From: Paulo Ney de Souza <pauloney at gmail.com>
> PNdS> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 21:56:38 -0700
> PNdS> I get a fairly elaborate text from Generative AI telling me I can
> PNdS> use the "emboss" package and giving me details on how to load
> PNdS> it with
> PNdS>   \usepackage{emboss}
> PNdS> and examples ... and so on .... like
> PNdS>     \embosstext{Hello, world!}{2pt}
> PNdS> The only problem is I can't find the "emboss" LaTeX package, not on
> PNdS> CTAN, not anywhere else.
> I guess now we need to write this package...
> --
> Good luck
> -Boris
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