nov 15 tds...
Pierre MacKay
Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:43:50 -0800
> I do not see how it is reasonable to ask that package authors supply
> such scripts.
> I know something about TeX and a little about unix. So how should I
> write install/remove scripts for Macintosh, VMS, Atari.... I recently
> helped someone write a texsys.cfg file for an Achimedes which was bad
> enough not knowing anything about the file structure there except that
> it used . as the directory separator, (just to make life fun:-). If I had
> had to provide a script in an Archimedes scripting language (if it has
> such a thing) I dont think I could have started.
> Having automatic remove/install scripts would be nice, but given the
> portable nature of TeX it does not seem practical to me. Of course
> such scripts tend to be very simple so it may make sense to distribute
> scripts in sh or REX or perl or something with the hope that porting
> to a TDS compliant setup on another machine would then be
> easy. However you can not expect the original package authors to know
> more than a couple of operating systems.
Agreed that package developers cannot be expected to know the arcana that
would lead to appropriate scripts for installing and removing packages
on a variety of systems. I certainly couldn't do it for DOS or Windows,
and have no intention of learning how.
But a map file along the lines of what Solaris packages supply would
make the job of the installer a lot easier. I'll work one out for
ibygrk as an example.
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