[XeTeX] Version 0.5 available

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Apr 28 17:39:36 CEST 2004

Hi all -

I have posted a new version of XeTeX, incorporating a number of changes:

* new \XeTeXversion (a number) and \XeTeXrevision (a string) primitives 
to help macro package writers know what system they're dealing with

* \picfile and \pdffile have been renamed as \XeTeXpicfile and 
\XeTeXpdffile respectively, and are now available only in e-TeX 
"extended" mode (this is turned on in the format files shipped with 
XeTeX, but take note if building your own xelatex.xfmt, etc.)

* graphic scaling and rotation options reimplemented to correctly 
"chain" multiple transformations (aside: note that the .xdv format is 
not currently stable across versions!)

* xdv2pdf uses the psfonts.map file, if available, to support a wider 
range of fonts and font encodings

* additional fonts in .otf format (converted from .pfbs in the standard 
TeX distribution) are included in the XeTeX installer

Note that the installer remains largely unchanged; if you had trouble 
before, and had to manually extract and install the pieces into your 
TeX tree, the same will most likely still apply. I hope eventually to 
improve on this situation! (If I can get hold of a spare disk so I can 
easily clean-install various TeX configurations on various OS 

For those who would prefer an i-Package distribution, I hope to have 
this available within a few days (thanks to Gerben for the offer of 
help with this).

xetex.def and modified graphics.sty/color.sty files are not included 
with this installer, but I believe the versions created by Ross, and 
posted to the list recently, should work after updating to take account 
of the primitive name changes in XeTeX.


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