[XeTeX] XeLaTeX + Beamer

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Jan 11 13:14:20 CET 2005

Le 11 janv. 05, à 13:09, Will Robertson a écrit :

> This reveals a problem with fontspec that I've long suspected but 
> never chased down: The fontspec package "breaks" text bullets! 
> Actually, it's to do with the OMS encoding getting lost along the way 
> somewhere, so other symbols defined there will also be effected.
> But the problem is only there for Computer Modern. But that's no good 
> at all, really. Especially as I don't know how to fix the problem off 
> the top of my head. I'll keep in touch.

In some file of mine I used (but not for Computer Modern):


Don't know whether it's still working, or relevant for your problem.


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