[XeTeX] Syriac Script

Malte Rosenau xetex_malte at web.de
Wed Oct 19 11:07:42 CEST 2005

<xetex at tug.org> schrieb am 18.10.05 23:12:37:

> > Would this work out of the box with XeTeX if those AAT tables were  
> > available?
> Yes, it would, as AAT uses a model where *all* the contextual  
> rendering behavior is built into the font tables and executed by a  
> generic engine, rather than relying on separate engines for each  
> complex script, as OpenType does.

So my imaginary Syriac AAT font would work in other OS X applications too?
Sounds promising. I will ask George Kiraz, co-author of the Meltho fonts, then 
about an AAT version. According to his website  


they were expecting syriac support for OTFs to become part of OS X at some 
point, but this is obviously a misconception: AAT is the way to go, or each and
every application has to come up with its own syriac fontengine. 

Looks like, I have to familiarise myself with AAT and Apple's font tools...



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