[XeTeX] (no subject)

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Apr 14 17:43:14 CEST 2007

Am 14.04.2007 um 13:39 schrieb Raymond Séroul:

> 1) Is there a light way to use a LaTeX format within XeLaTeX?

Yes: you use the usual header as used for other LaTeX *and* you avoid  
any font or input encoding setting *but* use instead of that

	\usepackage{fontspec}% provides font selecting commands
	\usepackage{xunicode}% provides unicode character macros
	\usepackage{xltxtra} % provides some fixes/extras
	%\usepackage[UKenglish,Arabic,Greek]{babel}	% nothing XeTeX special,  
therefore commented

and add, if necessary, i.e. the default font does not provide these  
glyphs, for example:


\Greekfont\emph{εὕρηκα}		% Capitalised? Exclamation mark?

For math particularly you can arrange:

	\setboldmathrm[BoldFont=Optima ExtraBlack]{Optima Bold}
	\setmathsf{Lucida Sans}
	\setmathtt{Lucida Sans Typewriter}

The above is just copied from the fontspec manual. François Charette  
has recently written a bidi package to mix left-to-right and right-to- 
left text (words or blocks) easily which also supports particular  
Arabic numerals. It was posted to this list in March, I think.

> 2) If not, how to rewrite le critical section of the LaTeX style  
> files ?

Without input no output – otherwise you would become a rich man and  
the saviour of our planet!

You'll have to extend your XeLaTeX format to contain the languages  
you need and before you would need to find and fetch the right babel  
support files for Arabic and (old or new) Greek!

Fontspec uses its own colourising, so you can leave color or xcolor  
out. Fontspec also has options to manipulate a font, change the space  
between letters or between them and punctuation. This seems to be  
possible on the fly, i.e. just then when you need it. There is no  
micro-typography available and you have to use an UTF encoding for  
your document (make sure your text editor makes no  mistake!),  
preferably UTF-16 together with the Stix mathematical fonts?

My advice is to read the fontspec manual (more than once or twice)  
and create a test file in which you test what you think might be a  
"critical section" (in XeLaTeX's view, not that of an editor working  
on a critical edition). Number and name and describe your test cases  
and comment/uncomment them one after the other for a XeLaTeX run and  
then let's see what problems might really exist!

You can search the archive and browse through XeTeX's home page.



’Twas a woman who drove me to drink, and I never had the courtesy
  to thank her for it.         — W.C. Fields

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