[XeTeX] biblatex 0.7 and XeLaTeX

Peter Baker psb6m at virginia.edu
Tue Dec 11 16:22:47 CET 2007

Biblatex 0.7 has been out for two days. Lots of nice stuff there, but 
here's a problem that was not there in the previous version. When 
biblatex generates either citations or bibliography entries in the 
authortitle style (and others that I have tried) for articles or other 
things that require quotation marks, they come out in the LaTeX style, 
e.g. ``Article Name''. It may be early to ask this (and the wrong forum, 
but I haven't found a Biblatex mailing list), but does any knowledgeable 
person here know a fix for this?

I'm using TeXLive 2007 on Ubuntu Linux and MacTeX on Leopard. I get the 
same results in both places. In the previous version it somehow 
magically worked.

Peter Baker

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