[XeTeX] x:rotate conundrum

Stephen Moye stephenmoye at mac.com
Mon Jun 4 13:52:49 CEST 2007

I thought I understood how x:rotate works, but I apparently don't, not completely. The following code snippet demonstrates the problem. The stuff that follows the rotated bit seems to disappear -- I know it doesn't really, but I can't find it, which amounts to the same thing... :>} What am I missing? I'm using 0.997-dev.


%!TEX TS-program = xetex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode




\special{x:rotate 180}
\vbox to 5.5in{%
	\nkboxit{\vtop to 5.5in{\hsize3.5in%
		\null Box 2\vfill
	\nkboxit{\vtop to 5.5in{\hsize3.25in%
		Box 1

%% Where did this go to??!??

	\nkboxit{\vtop to 5.5in{\hsize3.25in Box 3}}
	\vtop to 5.5in{\hsize3.25in%
		\leftskip=0pt plus 1fill \rightskip=\leftskip
		Box 4


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