[XeTeX] Proper mapping for í in bibliography - {\'\i} or {\'i} ?

Adam R. Maxwell amaxwell at mac.com
Wed Jun 20 05:02:37 CEST 2007

On Jun 19, 2007, at 14:45, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> \'i won't work, it will produce an acute accent superposed on the  
> dot of the "i". You really need \'\i, which places an acute accent  
> above a dotless "i".
> That said, given the xunicode package does not seem to affect the  
> output of BibTeX, an alternative is to use native UTF-8 files,  
> containing directly í: in BibDesk, go to Preferences > Data  
> Preferences > Files (aka Opening and Saving Preferences), then  
> choose "Unicode (UTF-8)" as String Encoding and uncheck "Convert  
> accented characters to TeX [...]" in Unicode to TeX Conversion.
> I don't guarantee this will work, as I'm not using BibDesk or BibTeX  
> myself yet, but you may try though, I seem to recall Adam Maxwell,  
> one of the core BibDesk developers, mentioned this on the OS X TeX  
> list.

Your instructions are correct.  You can also set BibDesk's TeX preview  
pane up to use XeLaTeX and BibDesk, so you can test formatting options  
pretty easily.  I know fontspec works in that environment, so I'm  
mildly surprised that xunicode doesn't (as you suggest).

> I'm cc'ing Adam, as I'm not sure he's still a member of the XeTeX  
> list.

I still lurk here, mainly for BibDesk-related problems.


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