[XeTeX] A "box" in the bottom-left corner of the first page

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue May 1 12:19:20 CEST 2007

On 1 May 2007, at 9:45 am, Székely Gábor Balázs wrote:
> We often have special letters (in Italian as well as in
> Hungarian). One of their speciality is that the recipient's address
> _always_ must go on the first page of the letter, in the bottom-left
> corner and with a line above it the length of which corresponds to
> the length of the longest line of the address. Of course the address
> can't be split and there should be some vertical space above the line
> where the text of the letter starts (or, in this case, ends on that
> page), and some space below the line so that it doesn't stick to the
> address.


\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Adobe Garamond Pro}




% this is a very crude approach;
% there's probably a package to do it more elegantly,
% or to reformat the second parameter of \begin{letter}
  \hbox{Gábor Székely}

\opening{Dear Gábor,}

Sounds like you could use a float to do this, with the \texttt{b}  
placement code
so that it is positioned at the bottom of the page.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's already a package that does  
something like this.
This is just a quick-and-dirty sample to show the basic idea.

\closing{Hope this helps,}

\cc{\XeTeX\ mailing list}


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