[XeTeX] italics / SeriaPro

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Sun Oct 14 23:32:14 CEST 2007

On 13 Oct 2007, at 9:20 pm, uclhwis at ucl.ac.uk wrote:

> Hi, I finally succeeded in getting the italics of SeriaPro  
> (=OpenType) in
> XeLaTeX's output. However, it only works with the (I thought obsolete)
> command {\it italics}. It does not work with \textit{italics}. I do  
> not
> quite understand that. Is it possible that I am overlooking something?
> Willem

It looks to me like the preamble here shows some confusion and  

> ____________
> %&program=xelatex
> %&encoding=UTF-8 Unicode
> \documentclass[twoside,executivepaper,openright]{book}
> \usepackage{array}
> \usepackage{epsf}
> \usepackage{float}
> \usepackage{afterpage}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{xkeyval}	%required by fontspec
> \usepackage{calc}		%required by fontspec

These should get loaded automatically by fontspec, though including  
them explicitly like this ought to be harmless.

> \usepackage{xltxtra}	%fixes for XeTeX/fontspec
> \fontspec[Italic={SeriaPro-Italic}]{SeriaPro}		%xetex seems to require
> {\it } rather than \textit{}

The \fontspec command is for one-off font changes within the  
document, it's not really suitable for use in the preamble like this.

> \setromanfont[ItalicFont=SeriaPro-Italic]{SeriaPro}

OK, this should configure LaTeX to use SeraiPro as the default Roman  
font, with the proper italics (even if fontspec can't find the italic  
face automatically). If you ended the preamble here, I believe you'd  
be in good shape...

> \usepackage{pstricks}
> \font\rm="SeriaPro" at 14pt\rm
> \font\it="SeriaPro-Italic" at 14pt\rm

These are "primitive" TeX font definitions for a fixed face at a  
fixed size; this doesn't belong in a typical LaTeX document (though I  
guess the \font\it=... declaration here is what's making \it appear  
to work for you). Note that with this, \it will always produce a  
fixed size, regardless of the environment where you use it (e.g.,  
headings, footnotes, etc). This is not usually what you want.

> \font\textit="SeriaPro-Italic" at 14pt\rm

This similarly defines \textit as a fixed-size italic face, but I  
suspect it gets overridden by the next thing....

> \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{SeriaPro}

\setmainfont is a synonym for \setromanfont, so this overrides the  
earlier \setromanfont definition, as well as (I assume) the \textit  
definition above. So your document will end up defaulting to  
SeriaPro, but apparently fontspec can't automatically find the italic  
face, and this time you didn't specify it explicitly.

So to sum up, you should remove all the primitive  \font\xx=   
commands shown here, and remove this duplicate command, and then I  
think you'll have better success.



> \begin{document}
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