[XeTeX] Re(2): no pdf?
Peter Dyballa
Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Sep 7 16:25:02 CEST 2007
Am 07.09.2007 um 14:38 schrieb Willem:
> I've actually never run xetex from the terminal window; what's the
> command? runexetex <filename>? is a filepath necessary?
In UNIX it's simply: xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -v" <file
The -v option will make xdvipdfmx more verbose. If the cause for the
failure is not reported, then it can be extended to -vv to report
even more details.
When Terminal tells you "command not found" then you would need to
use a path. The optimal way would be to determine from TeX Shop's
preferences where the TeX binaries are put and then invoke in Terminal:
export PATH="<the string from TeX Shop>:$PATH"
Then it's possible that XeTeX does not find your TeX file. You'll see
Please type another input file name:
Then you would need to "change directory" to where this file is. In
Terminal it would simply be: cd <that directory>. A work-around would
be to drag the TeX file from Finder onto Terminal instead of writing
"<file name.tex>."
Another option would be to create engine files for TeX Shop. I have a
template I am also using from AUCTeX in GNU Emacs:
# @(#) XeLaTeXxv.engine Time-stamp: <2006-09-15 13:27:40 pete>
set xelatex_args = ""
set file_name = ""
foreach element ($*)
switch ($element)
case -file-line-error:
case -interaction:
case nonstopmode:
set xelatex_args="$xelatex_args $element"
set file_name="$file_name $element" # bad: initially
it's " file name"
set better_name=`echo "$file_name" | sed 's/^ //'`
xelatex -output-driver="xdvipdfmx -v" $xelatex_args "$better_name"
You can save this script as the file ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/
XeLaTeXxv.engine. The next step would be make it an "executable." A
final command in Terminal is needed:
chmod a+x ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/XeLaTeXxv.engine
Then quit and re-launch TeX Shop. It will now show in the "engines"
menu the new engine.
You can create more such engine files, each with its own name, and
vary the output driver's name (xdv2pdf is another option for Mac OS
X) or make xdvipdfmx even more verbose (-vv, which xdv2pdf does not
Clovis' Consideration of an Atmospheric Anomaly:
The perversity of nature is nowhere better demonstrated
than by the fact that, when exposed to the same atmosphere,
bread becomes hard while crackers become soft.
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