[XeTeX] compile xetex

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Aug 15 10:19:57 CEST 2008

Am 15.08.2008 um 08:40 schrieb M. Niedermair:

> ../../../../libs/xpdf/fofi/FoFiType1C.cc:1708: Warnung: veraltete
> Konvertierung von Zeichenkettenkonstante in »char*«

This is the same file that the MiKTeX Package Manager uses. The block  

       if (eb->line == 64) {
	(*eb->outputFunc)(eb->outputStream, "\n", 1);
	eb->line = 0;

After 64 characters a newline character is inserted into the output  
stream. This happens with a "private" (non-standard) method, defined  

The file is three years old. It's taken from elder versions of xpdf.

Can you try it with another compiler? Which is your compiler? Can you  
convince it to be less pedantic?



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