[XeTeX] Could not load both Bold and BoldItalic.

Andrea Franceschini therealmorpheu5 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 14:11:48 CET 2008

Hi all,
I'm trying to set up Helvetica Neue for chapter and section titling
using XeLaTeX on Linux. I'm using the PS Type1 edition issued by Adobe
(since I was given it by a colleague, I cannot really tell it but it
seems so to me). At first I had a weird problem with loading the right
shape, since I was loading {Helvetica Neue} and, for some reason,
Helvetica Neue, Medium Italic kept coming up. I solved it by
specifying the PS name so that now I'm loading HelveticaNeue-Light
(Light because it blends better with the Garamond I'm using) and
everything went fine. Except for the other weights and shapes.
So, after a bit of research, I came out with the following command
which seems to work almost perfectly:

\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase, Mapping=tex-text,
BoldFont={HelveticaNeue-Bold}, BoldItalic={HelveticaNeue-BoldItalic},

except for the Italic shape. They don't get loaded or, at least, they
don't get shown in the final PDF. However, if I try to load other
weights of Italics, everything works fine:

\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase, Mapping=tex-text,
BoldFont={HelveticaNeue-Bold}, BoldItalic={HelveticaNeue-HeavyItalic},

except for the aesthetic. Be my guest and try it for yourself. It's
the less awful combination I could find. Now, if anybody had an


Andrea Franceschini

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