[XeTeX] (small) problem with vectors

Sven Willert (Arndt) swillert at geophysik.uni-kiel.de
Sat Dec 13 18:29:17 CET 2008


I've found a small problem. Using xelatex and unicode-math (which I  
know is beta) something like


leads to a strange result. The arrow of the vector is not
centered above the vector (a in the example) but centered
above the whole construct.


Runs perfectly.

Is there an easy way to work around it?

I want to hand in my ph.d. thesis on tuesday and can't just forget  
about unicode-math because that would mean to much work. It's great,  

I could life with using construct like "{\overrightarrow{r }}^{\delta  
p}_i(t)". That concrete construct, however, is not beautiful because  
the arrow is way to large but much better because it's centered above  
the vector....

Best regards,
Sven Willert (Arndt)
Institut für Geowisenschaften (Geophysik)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Otto-Hahn-Platz , 24118 Kiel, Germany
phone:  +49 431 880-3911
fax:  +49 431 880-4432
e-mail: sarndt at geophysik.uni-kiel.de
URL:  http://www.geophysik.uni-kiel.de/

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