[XeTeX] Conflict between xunicode and fontspec?

Julien ÉLIE iulius at via.ecp.fr
Wed Feb 6 14:00:19 CET 2008

Hi François,

>> This sounds like polyglossia doesn't recognize the non-breaking space
>> as a "space", and so adds space of its own; I expect François can
>> update this.
> Sure, this should not be too difficult. I will look into this next
> week-end.

Thanks a lot.

> Indeed. I have not yet considered cases like "test !" and "test~!".
> Currently polyglossia expects the input to be "test!" and inserts the
> appropriate kerning, just as it was done in antomega by means of OTPs.

I believe it should give the same result, with the accurate spacing,
whatever space is given (even "test     !" or 0x2003 [ESPACE CADRATIN]
Otherwise, the user should use "\string!".

>>> It is not good at all...
> Bonjour Julien. Please bear with me! Polyglossia is only a few weeks old
> and has not even reached "alpha status"!

Yep, I know!  Sorry for my having been a bit rude.  I was speaking about
the spacing when I wrote "It is not good at all", not about the whole
package which I understand is in development.

> Patches are of course most than welcome ;-)

Sure but I am currently unable to write complex macros like the ones
we can find in French Babel:


I know how to add thinks like:


But for more complex macros like \AddThinSpaceBeforeFootnotes, I am
not TeX-fluent at all!

      \newcommand{}{\thinspace at FNtrue}
                   \ifthinspace at FN
      \def\ftnISsymbol{\@fnsymbol\c at footnote}

is the beginning of supporting \AddThinSpaceBeforeFootnotes and I am
not good enough to convert it to Polyglossia, that is to say what
should be changed between LaTeX and XeLaTeX.
Otherwise, it would have been a pleasure to help.

> And thanks for your "bug report" of course.

Better say a "feature request" :)

> I am prepared to make polyglossia eventually as
> feature-rich as Babel (or rather more so!), but in some cases this will
> take some time.

That sounds very great!

Julien ÉLIE

« -- Et fais attention de ne pas te cogner aux arbres !
  -- ...
  -- Le tout, c'est de faire attention de ne pas se cogner aux Gaulois ! » (Astérix)

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