[XeTeX] Polyglossia and Spanish

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Thu Feb 7 10:32:51 CET 2008

Yves Codet a écrit :
> Hello.
> I would like to ask a question, out of mere ignorance, about a detail  
> of Spanish formatting. 
> <...>
> "... el primer párrafo tras el título no se compone de forma  
> especial. Esto último implica que, a menos que se use el nuevo  
> spanish, conviene cargar el paquete indentfirst."
> Is the current behaviour of Polyglossia intended? Does it correspond  
> to another norm?

Polyglossia does not follow any special norm at this stage. I just took 
what was in antomega and babel, leaving out much of the advanced stuff 
for later. So what we currently have in most gloss-files is a basic 
implementation with hyphenation, translation of strings, and sometimes 
some other more or less complex features.

BTW Javier Bezos has recently uploaded his new package spanish-babel on 
Its documentation (incidentally formatted without any paragraph 
indentation) appears to be excellent and it also gives references to 
various manuals of Spanish typography, so you may want to have a look.

Adapting this package to polyglossia is indeed on my TODO list ;)


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