[XeTeX] Identity-H encoding ExternalLocation xdvipdfmx

Volker Jordan v_jordan at web.de
Thu Feb 7 11:42:04 CET 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 07.02.2008, 10:45 +0100 schrieb Peter Dyballa:
> Am 07.02.2008 um 09:19 schrieb Volker Jordan:
> > The problem with printing through cups is, that the document has to be
> > fully spooled befor the printer starts to print and the documents are
> > very large (50.000 pages and more).
> What does this mean? Your printer receives the data on an USB stick,  
> or, since this is too modern, on a CD? If your printer is connected  
> in some way to your computer, then printer and computer talk to each  
> other over this medium and the printer is able to tell that it can't  
> afford receiving further data, and the computer, vice-versa, won't  
> send anything when it hasn't already arrived in the queue.

The printer is a high volume postscript printer which is connected to
our network. So the data is sent over ethernet. We have two ways sending
the data, either over CUPS or over the Windows Spooler. If I open the
pdf document (with the AcrobatReader) on a Windows computer and start to
print, the printer just starts to print after a few pages sent. If I
send the pdf via lpr/CUPS the whole document has to be processed(which
takes a lot of time). And after that, the printer starts to work.   
ON windows computers the printer only prints at its fully speed of
105ppm when Acrobat Reader 5 is used and Level 1 is selected.

> An option you have, when converting XeTeX's XDV output to PDF via  
> xdvipdfmx, is to set the version of PDF, -d 3 would produce an output  
> that looks like PDF 1.3 (I don't know whether this decimal really  
> changes the set of PDF components in the output or it's just  
> cosmetics for the first few bytes of the PDF output file).

I will try this.

> Xpdf comes with pdf2ps. This utility can produce Level 1, Level 2,  
> Level 3, and other specialised PS output. (http://www.foolabs.com/ 
> xpdf/) And in case CUPS is used to transfer a print job to a printer,  
> either the CUPS software can be corrected (the company behind it  
> accepts bug reports) or its filters can be adjusted.

I currently work on this option, but till now with no luck.


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