[XeTeX] Tracking and macrons

Juan Acevedo juan.acevedo at interlink.net.ve
Sat Jul 5 06:18:39 CEST 2008

Dear all

I am using some macron-accented characters like ā and ī (i.e.  \=a  
and \=\i).
When I apply letterspacing via fontspec (sample below), some  
combinations simply do not respond to the tracking..only with some  
fonts! So far I have notice that l combinations are problematic, see  
sample below.

Gentium works fine, but Junicode, as in the sample (pdf attached),  
does not, and I have the same problem with a Monotype font too, Bembo  

Anyone have a clue to the reason for this behaviour? Any way to bypass  
this apparent font-specific problem?

Here is a minimal file, output attached:


%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage{fontspec, xunicode, xltxtra}

\fontspec[LetterSpace=10]{Junicode} Ghazālī lālīlū lalilula



With many thanks in advance,
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