[XeTeX] emacs and xetex

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Mar 21 20:59:59 CET 2008

Am 21.03.2008 um 19:05 schrieb François Patte:
> I can see devanagari script but no ligatures at all

Unless you write a ligature mode for Devanagari text GNU Emacs won't  
create them. It's a text (and more) editor, not a text processor, for  
which it also prefers monospaced fonts. You can also think of an  
external post-processor that can work on the text typed so far and  
process it to create something different from it.



Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where's it going to end?
				- Tom Stoppard

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