[XeTeX] xelatex.fmt missing

François Charette firmicus at ankabut.net
Thu May 8 14:43:44 CEST 2008

Arno Trautmann a écrit :
> I’m running TeXlive on Arch Linux, just updated yesterday. LaTeX works 
> fine and so does XeTeX, so maybe there are problems with the 
> arch-package vor TeXlive? Or can anyone give me a hint, what my mistake 
> is here? Where could I find a hint, how to fix the problem?
I am the maintainer of TeXlive packages for Arch Linux (they are in the 
"community" repository, which means they are not "official" packages of 
Arch). I am also an intensive xelatex user, as is well-known on this 
list, so I am quite surprised by the  issue you describe: I have never 
encountered it, and it has not been reported since the packages were 
made available last September. I suppose you have installed the most 
recent version of "texlive-core-svn", as this should not have happened 
with the "stable" package "texlive-core". In any case, I suggest you 
file a bug report on http://bugs.archlinux.org (under "community 
packages"). I'll try to fix this as soon as possible.


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