[XeTeX] psfrag

Marcus Winter mail at marcuswinter.de
Tue May 20 09:32:43 CEST 2008


I read that pstricks is being supported by the current Xe(La)TeX nowadays,
so I wondered if there was support for psfrag, too. However, when using it
in some TeX code that works wonderfully with LaTeX, I get the following
error message:

! Undefined control sequence.
\pfg at hidestart ...unt@ by\@ne \repeat \Gin at PS@raw
                                                  {/PSfrag where{pop\pfg@\t...
l.53 ...udegraphics[scale=1]{sop-distribution.eps}

Can somebody make some more sense of this than I?


PS: I used MiKTeX with xelatex 0.998.3 and xdvipdfmx 0.6
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