[XeTeX] Old to LaTeX New to XeLaTeX

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Mon May 11 18:58:03 CEST 2009

Am Mon, 11 May 2009 17:29:43 +0100 schrieb Dr J.D. Billett:

> ! No room for a new \count .
> \ch at ck ...\else \errmessage {No room for a new #3}
>                                                    \fi
> l.380 \newfootnoteseries{T}
> Here's the apparently offending portion of the preamble:
> \newfootnoteseries{T}
> \paragraphfootstyle{T}
> \renewcommand{\thefootnoteT}{\alph{footnoteT}}
> \newcommand{\tbfn}{\makebox[0in]{\kern 4pt\footnotemarkT}} % <  
> footnote marks in tables
> I already have the etex package called (the first to be called of  
> any), and this problem doesn't up with latex passes (there's no  
> difference in this error if I "uncall" etex either).  Is there a  
> difference in XeTeX that I can compensate for somehow?

Hm. If you really use etex I would say some of your commands run
amok. I can use without problem more then 30.000 counter with xetex
and I really don't know why a document would need so much.



Look in the log-file and try to find out who is using so much

Ulrike Fischer 

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