[XeTeX] Em-dash

Robert Zydenbos indoxetex at go4more.de
Mon May 3 19:05:19 CEST 2010

This is the same kind of issue as one of the earlier ones: the whole 
point of XeTeX is that one simply types what one wants into a Unicode 
editor (i.e., if you want an em-dash, you simply type an em-dash, and 
there is no need any more for TeX conventions like ---, \"a, etc. etc.).

Even if there is a way to work around the problem using a (new) TeX 
command, it may be easier to just open a Unicode-sensitive editor and do 
find-and-replace, turning all the --- into em-dashes. That is totally 
unambiguous and should not lead to any problems, I think.


On 30.04.10 16:16, José Carlos Santos wrote:
> Hi all (yes, it's me again!):
> If I compile this file:
> \documentclass{article}
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{xunicode}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> \begin{document}
> ---
> \end{document}
> with XeLaTeX, then I get a PDF file which contains a single character, 
> namely an em-dash. But if I add, say, \setmainfont{Arial} before 
> \begin{document}, then what I get is ---. Why? Do I have to use 
> \textemdash instead?

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