[XeTeX] Long i with overbar and no dot

Joachim Trinkwitz jtr at uni-bonn.de
Wed May 12 10:01:42 CEST 2010

Am 12.05.2010 um 05:19 schrieb Nathan Camillo Sidoli:

> Is there a good way to get a long i with an overbar and no dot that can be changed by the environment to agree with the text that it belongs to.
> I am using \={\i} at the moment, but this seems to call in a special character which cannot be modified. That is, it cannot be bold, italic, or enlarged for a heading, etc.

For the \={\i} combination and "Mapping=tex-text" to work, you need to load the xunicode package, which translates the TeX ascii combos back to the proper unicode characters. You wouldn't have to load xunicode (nor the mapping) when using UTF8 input (ī) directly.

As often stated on this list: it's easiest to use XeLaTeX by loading the xltxtra package instead of fontspec, it gives you some extra options and features and loads the fontspec and xunicode packages by itself.


Dr. Joachim Trinkwitz     E-Mail: jtr at uni-bonn.de
Institut für Germanistik, Tel.: 0228-737565
Vergleichende Literatur-  Fax: 0228-737479
und Kulturwissenschaft    www.germanistik.uni-bonn.de
der Universität Bonn      53012 Bonn

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