[XeTeX] gloss-russian.ldf bug

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Wed May 26 06:56:33 CEST 2010

** Vadim Radionov [2010-05-26 02:24:19 +0400]:

> Dear all,

> After upgrade to version [2010/03/23 v1.1.1] of polyglossia, i cannot switch
> the family of what comes to running head: compare this and the same without
> \setdefaultlanguage{russian}

> \documentclass{book}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage{russian}
> \setmainfont{CharterITC}
> \makeatletter
> \def\@oddhead{\em!! \rightmark\hfil\thepage}
> \makeatother

> \begin{document}
> \markboth{even}{odd}
> This is a test.
> \end{document}

(to clarify: 'odd' is not emphasized in header)

This is common problem for all 'gloss-*.ldf' files which have
'\normalfontlatin' in they definitions (for example: greek, bulgarian,
ukrainian, serbian, coptic). If you comment '\normalfontlatin' in
'gloss-russian.ldf' you get desired result.

This problem doesn't appear if you use 'fancyhdr' package (it should be
loaded after polyglossia of course).

System: TeX Live 2009 with latest updates.

bug, n:
	An elusive creature living in a program that makes it incorrect.
	The activity of "debugging", or removing bugs from a program, ends
	when people get tired of doing it, not when the bugs are removed.
		-- "Datamation", January 15, 1984

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