[XeTeX] XeTex and Japanese kunten and warichū

Clemente Beghi clementelavoratori at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 3 20:21:17 CEST 2010


thank you for the reply.
Gezhu looks like a really nice sty package.
I tried it under Lyx, but I have been having some problems (I am not
yet so familiar with LaTex code) and then on TexWorks where I finally
Anyway, as Michiel, I also get some strange font sizes. Isn't it
perhaps that it conflicts with fontspec or something?
Another thing is related to the "box" that appears around the text. Do
I have to put the variables for it all the time? Or did I do something
Furthermore, as Michiel said, it would be great if the gezhu features
were included in the CJK package.
More features for the ruby would also be really cool, such as the
ability to put it both on the right and left side of the vertical line
of text, or on both at the same time, as well as the ability to choose
at what height and what distance.
I am saying this because with such a package most problems related
with Japanese complex writing, both old and new, would be solved and
there wouldn't be so much the need to specifically install pTex for
Japanese related problems.



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