[XeTeX] Problem with xltxtra (Fr. Michael Gilmary)

Marc van Dongen dongen at cs.ucc.ie
Sat Sep 18 12:33:27 CEST 2010

Fr. Michael Gilmary <FrMichaelGilmary at MaroniteMonks.org> wrote:

: Try this after you make sure TeX Gyre Termes (or Bonum ... or Latin 
: Modern Roman, etc) is installed on your system. These fonts come with 
: TeXLive09 and TL10:
: \documentclass{minimal}
: \usepackage{fontspec}
: \usepackage{xltxtra}
: \fontspec{GaramondPremrPro}
: \setmainfont{GaramondPremrPro}
: \newfontfamily\tgt[Scale=MatchLowercase]{TeX Gyre Termes}
: \begin{document}
: Do you know if {\tgt\textvisiblespace} this works?
: \end{document}

Thanks. Yes, that would let me get the visible space, but I
though that according the manual, a visible space character was
inserted if the font didn't have it. I'm temporarily solving the
problem as follows:
\let\mvd at textvisiblespace\textvisiblespace
          [Scale          = MatchLowercase,
           Path           = /home/dongen/.fonts/TeX-Gyre/Pagella/,
           BoldFont       = texgyrepagella-bold,
           ItalicFont     = texgyrepagella-italic,
           BoldItalicFont = texgyrepagella-bolditalic,
           UprightFont    = texgyrepagella-regular]
          {TeX Gyre Pagella}
\def\textvisiblespace{{\TeXGyrePagella\mvd at textvisiblespace}}

This is slightly better because it still lets you use \textvisiblespace
in the text.

I'd still like to kow what I was/am doing wrong.


Marc van Dongen

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