[XeTeX] XeTeX in lshort

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Sep 29 23:59:14 CEST 2010

Am 29.09.2010 um 23:40 schrieb Philipp Stephani:

> reality is approximately as follows: Users who read beginner  
> documents such as lshort don't want to use TeX, but are forced to do  
> so by their advisor. They don't want to read discussions about the  
> pros and cons of various text editors or why Microsoft is evil.  
> Beginners usually know how to visit web sites and how to create  
> simple documents in Microsoft Word (perhaps in three years from now  
> they might not know about the latter, simply because they don't need  
> it). Not a bit more. They don't know what a text file or a text  
> editor is, they have never heard the word "Unicode", and they have  
> never used a programming language before. What they need are step-by- 
> step instructions that tell them, in simple words, how to create TeX  
> documents.

This *might* have been the situation in the so-called first or  
industrialised world 20 years ago.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Die Zeit wird kommen, da unsere Nachkommen sich wundern werden, wie  
wir so wunderbare Dinge einfach gewusst haben konnten.
			(Ein Optimist nach Lucius Annæus Seneca)

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