[XeTeX] Concrete fonts

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Jun 8 17:27:49 CEST 2011

Am Wed, 08 Jun 2011 15:54:44 +0100 schrieb José Carlos Santos:

>> The default font used by fontspec is latin modern, which is what you
>> get. To change to another font, read the manual of fontspec (google it
>> or use texdoc fontspec on the command line) which will show how to use
>> it.
> It says that I should use the command \setmainfont. But how do I 
> discover which name should I use to get the Concrete fonts? I tried 
> "Concrete", but I got an error message.

You can look in the pfb or the afm of the font used by pdflatex (the
font is mentioned at the end of the log). In general you can use the
family name. In this case sform10 says:

/FamilyName (Computer Modern Concrete) def

So this works:

\setmainfont{Computer Modern Concrete}
Some text. öäü߀

Xetex can use type1 (pfb) fonts directly (without external tfm) but
as some of them are very old it can happen that xetex doesn't like
it, or gets some chars wrong or .... In general it is better to use
open type fonts with xetex. 

Attention: If you have a font with the same name in otf and type1 it
can happen that the tex->xdv step use the one font and the xdvipdfmx
step (xdv->pdf) the other and than the output is wrong (I had this
problem with the libertine fonts).

Ulrike Fischer 

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